Sunday, October 23, 2011

Battlefield 3 Open Beta Version

After I played "Battlefield Bad Co. 2" for several hours, I found out about a beta version of "Battlefield 3". And after playing it for a long while, it was everything that I had expected. The graphics were great to where it feels like you're in the game, although this version does have several glitches. But hopefully those will get fixed in the final version. Battlefield 3 takes place in WWIII. However, even though it does take place in a non-existent war, it is a very good game, that I highly recommend picking up from the Xbox LIVE marketplace. This is definitely the best free game I've ever played on the Xbox 360. Why is this the best Xbox game that I have played? Here's a full list of features that I love!

New Additions:
As you know if you've played "Bad Co. 2" there was no option to go into prone. And that was a big deal for finding descent cover. But now that there's the option to go prone, it makes a lot more new cover from gun shots. Another addition to "Battlefield 3" is that in maps you have to go above ground, as well as below ground.

The New Graphics:
The new graphics in this game are spot on! As I said before, the graphics are so great to where it feels like you're in the game. As seen on the only map that you could play in the beta, it really shows how much graphics have improved greatly. The trees, the bushes, the water, the puddles on the ground, everything! Words can't describe how good the graphics are.

New sounds:
In "Battlefield Bad Company 2" the sounds were great. But in "Battlefield 3" the sounds are fantastic. To the sound of a grenade blowing up in your ear, to the gentle water sounds played while swimming. They did a great job on the sounds!

Final thoughts on "Battlefield 3" and "Battlefield 3 Open Beta Version":
I absolutely love this game! Even as a free beta version, it screams good! Frostbite2 And Dice, did a really great job on this game. And I think that anyone who likes 1st person shooter games, will love this game!

You can purchase the full version of Battlefield 3 here.

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